Thursday, May 29, 2008

More networking

In two days' time, I did a lot of networking with fellow wedding vendors and colleagues, and it was a fun whirlwind of a time! Tuesday night was the monthly Oahu Wedding Association meeting; this month it was held at the Mid-Pacific Country Club in Lanikai. Laura from the club gave us the tour of the facilities, and the place is gorgeous. If you are still looking for your location and want an outdoor wedding that is an alternative to the overcrowded beaches and ballrooms of Waikiki, then Mid-Pacific Country Club is the answer for you.

Yesterday, the Hawaii chapter of the American Disc Jockey Association met, and I spent time hanging out with some of the smartest and most successful DJs in the state. The highlight was spending time with Ed Frank and Dave Green, two dear friends, emcees, and DJs from KENTUCKY. They are here in the islands to help another friend with several Project Grads. In our conversations, I picked up a bunch of great "nuggets" to help make my wedding presentations so much more elegant and exciting!

Overall, while the last two days have been busy, they also have been quite rewarding. Learning from others and making oneself better in order to better serve one's clients...isn't that what it's all about?

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