Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Yes, I know it's been a while.

Yes, I know it's been a while since I've posted. Life and work has been busy, with the business experiencing the usual growing pains. For now, though, I have refocused myself and the direction of the company in order to better serve my clients.

With the new year comes new choices, and one of the choices I have consciously made is to only work with clients who appreciate me and my service. I'm no longer going to chase after clients to simply fill dates on the calendar. After all, my clients deserve better than that. By cutting out the deadwood, I can better take care of my prize koa. Hokey analogy, yes, but it's what I feel. I would rather take care of great brides & grooms rather than ones that don't appreciate great entertainment at their wedding.

I'm also focusing on actively staying in touch with my current and former clients. Before, I would get so wrapped up in prepping for the next wedding, that my past clients, even the favorite ones, would be casted off to the wayside. But no more. I vow to keep in touch with them on a regular basis. This blog is one of the ways to do so. It provides an opportunity to speak to them, as well as to my new clients, as well as industry colleagues and friends.

Also in the works: a monthly e-newsletter filled with helpful tips and advice for your wedding. And if things go well, there may even be a syndicated podcast...we'll see what happens.

It's exciting, but also scary at the same time. With any major change, there's risks. But I've got a supportive bunch of friends, family, and colleagues, and an awesome group of clients that I love working with.

So what can you expect with this blog? Tips on planning your wedding. Inside info on the wedding industry. Wedding stories. And more. There's a lot of content that I've collected over the years, and I am very excited to share them with you.

The journey will be fun!

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