Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Website updated...again.

Have I mentioned lately that I work for the BEST brides-to-be EVER??

Thank you to Lisa, Corrine, Kehau, and numerous other brides-to-be who wrote in recently to tell me that there was a problem with the navigational menu on the Ninja Entertainment website. Apparently, the old java applet used to code the menu wasn't as universally compatible as I thought it was. So those brides (and probably many more) could not get past the first "movie" page on my website because there was no way of moving to the other pages!

So I spent a few hours yesterday re-coding the menu into javascript. The resulting menu should be more compatible with most operating systems and browsers. So if the last time you visited my website and could not get past the "welcome movie" page, you might want to go back and check it out now. You will be able to access the rest of the movies, including some samples of me performing at various weddings and some testimonials from the many wonderful brides I have performed for in the past. Check it out at

And if it still doesn't work, email me please! I appreciate your input.

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