Monday, December 29, 2008

Wrap This!

In the spirit of the holiday season, here is a fun game that I recently presented to several of my corporate clients' holiday parties (I do team-building exercises and motivational speaking for companies and corporations in addition to weddings). This game can easily be adapted to a wedding, where the wedding party can compete against each other. Or, representatives from each table can compete to win the right to go next to the buffet. The ideas are limitless.

Each contestant gets an assistant of his or her own choosing. The contestant also gets two oven mitts, one scissors, a roll of tape, a roll of wrapping paper, and a gift box (the type that holds clothes, like the ones you can get from Macy's, are best.) When the Master of Ceremonies says go, each contestant must wrap his or her box using the wrapping paper, scissors, and roll of tape. The first one to complete the task wins! Simple, right? Oh yeah, there's a twist--each contestant will be wearing the oven mitts during the task. The assistant's job is to help cut measure out and cut the tape, but the assistant cannot touch the box or wrapping paper.

This game gets CRAZY! Don't believe me? The next time you have to wrap a gift, try it while wearing oven mitts, and give yourself a time limit of five minutes. It's not so easy! When we did it for the corporate holiday parties, the audiences were on their feet and screaming & cheering for their favorites!

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